One of the lessons I teach yearly in the early spring is about BEES and the magic of DANDELIONS.
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of bees live solitary lives underground and inside dying trees? This includes our wild (native) bees. These species don't make beeswax or honey.
When the majority of people picture a "bee" in their mind, they think of the honey bee. Honey bees were actually imported from Europe in colonial times. They make up a very small percent of the overall bee population.
DID YOU KNOW that bees don't see colors in the same way we do? Bees and many other pollinators see in Ultraviolet Light. Flowers look completely different to them!
When we see a Dandelion, we see cyclical patterns of yellows. When a bee sees a Dandelion, it sees a white outer rim and reddish-pink petals near the center. Each flower has a different UV pattern. It's WILD.